History and Purpose


The Viking Creed is a statement of the values to which the 麻豆传媒高清 community aspires. When an individual joins the Viking Community they commit to a lifelong journey of upholding these values. The Viking Creed is a code of conduct, asking those in the Viking Community to take responsibility for their actions. The power in the creed is its ability to ask each individual to uphold these values. In doing so they are working towards a better life for themselves and their fellow Vikings.


During the summer of 2017 students, faculty and staff met to draft the current version of the Viking Creed. After several meetings the current version of the creed was implemented and used for the first time at Magnus Fest 2017 which occurred on Saturday August 26th. The Department of Student Life hopes that by the end of Spring 2018 the Viking Community is well aware of the new language and knows how the values of the creed are woven throughout campus.

Interested in knowing how the Viking Creed is displayed throughout campus?
Click here.