Peer Education


Peer Educators are a trained, committed group of student leaders who promote the health of the CSU campus community.  They are trained through NASPA- National Association of Student Affairs Professionals.

As part of the Health and Wellness Team, Peer Educators:

  • Provide their peers with information about pertinent health topics and resources.
  • Support the education and outreach efforts of the Health and Wellness Center.
This group seeks to empower peers by providing information and support about responsible decision making and positive role-modeling to help improve the CSU campus community. Five subgroups within the Peer Education program focus on the following peer-to-peer educational topics: alcohol, tobacco and drug education, general wellness, sexual violence prevention, sexual health and healthy relationships, and suicide education/prevention. All members are trained through NASPA- National Association of Student Affairs Professionals and specifically trained in content for their chosen subgroup.
Eligibility Requirements:
  • Applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
  • Applicants must complete the application.
  • Candidates must have two references. One of these references must be completed by a faculty or staff member.
  • Student must sign up for an interview with the Wellness Coordinator in  Student Center Room 319. Contact Denise Keary at 216-687-2048.
Selection Criteria:

Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated the following:

  • Assisting and contributing to a positive peer-to-peer environment.
  • Have a history of student leadership/working with peers/groups in high school or college, and involvement in campus life.
  • Sensitivity to and interest in health and wellness issues
  • Enthusiasm and commitment for working on a team and making a difference.
  • Ability to be a resource and refer students to campus services.
  • Ability to model appropriate behavior for peers.
  • Availability to attend Peer Educator Training and meetings throughout the academic year are mandatory.
Peer Educator General Responsibilities:
  1. Serve as a positive role model for their peers.
  2. Be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
  3. Serve as a resource and role model as a peer educator regarding safety and wellness for individual students and the community.
  4. Practice confidentiality and discretion as defined by the program.
  5. Attend formal training sessions as scheduled and attend meetings as scheduled.
  6. Plan at least one larger group program and several subgroup programs during the academic year.

For more information contact Denise Keary, Wellness Coordinator at 216-687-2048

Complete the registration form by February 4. Training will take place February 7-18.