Undergraduate Course Repeat Policy

The Course Repeat Policy provides students who have done poorly the opportunity to repeat courses, up to two times. Students may use the D or F Option to attempt to increase their grade-point average (excluding pass/fail courses) using their new grade to replace their previous grade. The previous course(s) and grade(s) will remain on the official transcript for historical purposes only. Students may use the C or Higher Option for completion of program requirements that may require a higher grade than was initially received by the student.

If you are receiving financial aid,  you should verify with the Financial Aid office that repeating a course won't affect your eligibility status.

Repeating "D" or "F" graded courses while earning your undergraduate degree:
  1. Courses may be repeated when any grade equivalent to a D or below which affects the grade-point average has been earned. For the purpose of grade-point average (GPA) calculation, transfer and/or test credit may not be used to supersede an earned grade at CSU.
  2. Course Repeat Policy may NOT be applied more than two (2) times to the same course.
  3. The letter grade earned in the most recent attempt will be included in cumulative credit totals and grade-point average, even if that grade is lower than the previous grade. This does not include coursework that is transferred in, or test credit. The credits will count in the transferred attempt or the test credit, but the grade earned at CSU will still be counted in the GPA.
  4. Prior to Spring 2007, repeated courses and grades were recorded on the transcript and noted with a "#" indicating that the course has been repeated. Effective Spring 2007, repeated courses are designated with the comment "Course Repeated, Attempt Forgiven."
  5. All courses designated with a "#" or the "Course Repeated, Attempt Forgiven" comment will not be included in cumulative credit totals and grade-point averages and are not applicable toward graduation requirements.
  6. Course Repeat Policy does not apply to courses which have an alternative repeat policy stated in their course descriptions. Academic programs may also restrict the use of Course Repeat Policy.
  7. Course Repeat Policy does not apply to courses graded S/U. Only courses for which a letter grade can be earned are covered by Course Repeat Policy.
  8. Course Repeat Policy does not apply to graduate level courses (500- and above).
Repeating Courses graded "C" or Higher while earning your undergraduate degree:

Students may choose to repeat courses in which a grade of a C or higher is earned a maximum of two (2) times (depending on whether there are any restrictions specific to that course - see course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalogue to determine if restrictions apply). However, courses repeated under these circumstances will have all earned grades calculated into the cumulative GPA and overall credits earned and Course Repeat Policy will not apply. Students will not receive test credit or transfer credit for any transferred courses in which a grade of C or higher has been earned at CSU. 

Note: The Course Repeat Option is not retroactive to courses already repeated under prior policies. Students repeating courses originally taken on quarters or that do not have the same title, course abbreviation, or catalog number as the original course must submit a Course Repeat Form to All-in-1 in BH 116.

Mailing Address
Office of the University Registrar
2121 Euclid Avenue
UN 441
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Campus Location
Campus 411 All-in-1
2121 Euclid Avenue
BH 116
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216.687.5411
Toll Free: 888.CSUOHIO
Fax: 216.687.5501

For Graduation Inquiries