Smoking Cessation

Contact Health and Wellness Services (216) 687-3649) for an appointment with individualized intervention or to learn of current campus group offerings.

Outside Sources:

  • Ohio's quit smoking hotline: 800-784-8669. (1-800-quitnow)
  • Other credible source of information on tobacco use and health include:     
    •   1-800-4-CANCER
    •  1-800-ACS-2345
    •  1-800-548-8252

Mailing Address
CSU Clinic
2112 Euclid Avenue
Center for Innovations in Medical Professions (CIMP), room 205
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Center for Innovations in Medical Professions
2112 Euclid Avenue
Room 205
Phone: 216.687.3649

Health related questions:
Insurance questions: